
• A team in this competition is called a Delegation. This delegation is made up of 5 to 6 team members which are called Delegates. This also includes a Head Delegate who acts as the leader of the team.

• Each delegation will participate in 4 modules, of which two cannot be chosen and are compulsory. The other two are chosen by the delegation themselves, one each from Pools A and B.

• Private delegations are allowed as well, however they must be between 15 and 20 years of age.

• Upon registration, the Head Delegate will be sent an email with payment, module and their delegation's details.

• There is also a Fusion Delegation programme, where if you don't have a full team you can still register and if you can be matched with another Fusion Delegate, then you'll be able to participate as a full team.

• In order to form a Fusion Delegate team, the team members will all have to choose the same modules.

• Priority will be given to fusing delegates who have the same ambassadors. In case of different module choices, delegates may be asked to switch their choice if possible.

• If not every fusion delegate member can be fused into a team, fusion will be done on a first come first serve basis.

• All fees including both Social Event and Nebula are non refundable.

• Team Nebula withholds all rights to amend any registration at any given time without prior notice or explanation.

Competition Details

• The Syllabus for each module will be released 3 to 6 days before the competition. Delegates can access it from the website by logging in. Account credentials will be released alongside the syllabus and will be emailed to the Head Delegate.

• The Syllabus will be the overall syllabus for that module. Different rounds of the module might use different parts of the syllabus.

• On the day of the competition, every member of a delegation must be present in the room assigned to the module at least 30 minutes before the start of the module or they will have to forfeit playing that module.

• Bringing of any illegal items, firearms, or lethal weapons to the venue is not allowed and you will not be allowed to enter.

• You MUST bring a scientific calculator for Photon Phrenzy (Physics Module) and Gaussian Gateway (Mathematics Module).

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