
Tickets for Nebula!

Tickets to the Science Olympiad, where minds ignite and stars unite!

Choose from a pool of rich modules, with a single module from each pool being compulsory!

Climb your way to the top with and win a cash prize along with priceless memories!

An Earlybird Discount is availible right now which completely removes your Delegation Fee!

2000 PKR Delegation Fee

2500 PKR per Delegate

Note: A delegation consists of 5 or 6 delegates.

Too pricey? We've got you covered with our package!

Bundle  Package!

Register 6 people instead of 5 for your team and get the 6th member for free!

Still not enough?

Contact Us For Concessions!

Thinking of what to do after the Event? Why not attend our Social Event,

Concert Night!

1000 PKR per Delegate

1500 PKR for Outsiders

Unwind after the high tension of our modules with a fun and exciting Social Event

Takes place on the first day of Nebula,

3rd November 2023!

For E-Tickets, contact:

Faizan 0334 0724075

Mashood 0330 2191097

Ahmed 0332 3012337

Registration ends on:
31st October 2023!


Have strong connections and want to put them to use? We have the perfect side hustle for you!

Website designed by Abdul Muiz.

Science Society © 2023, All Rights Reserved.